Saturday, November 8, 2008


Once again, the Miami Pastor's Conference did not disappoint. This year's theme, "What is God saying to and through the Churches" was informative and convicting. Everyone of the Speakers were absolutely amazing and God really moved in this conference.

As usual, there was great fellowship within the participants. It was a real joy to reacquaint with Pastors Ken Jones, Robert Benson, and Anthony Carter. Also, it was a treat to meet and hear Dr. Voddie Baucham this year (and let me tell you, if you haven't heard him preach you are missing a REAL blessing from the LORD). Also, it was nice to see again many other participants from last year like Frank and Irwin, and meet for the first time brothers like Steve Love, James from Southern Baptist Seminary, and Andy Johnson from 9Marks ministry.

Throughout the year, I will give some insights and thoughts about the conference (don't worry Tony and Frank, I WILL keep this promise), so that you can get a snapshot on how God blessed this amazing event.

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