Thursday, November 13, 2008


If you have been following the news lately, you probably know that this week marks the 30th Anniversary of one of the most tragic events in American History--The Jonestown Massacre.

It was in Jonestown, Guyana where a man named James (Jim) Warren Jones, who was the "pastor" of a "church" called The People's Temple, had over 900 of his followers drink cyanide-laced Flavor-Aid in a successful mass suicide. The Jonestown Massacre is recorded as being the 2nd greatest civil loss of American life at one time in a non-natural disaster next to 9/11.

Ever since I started following this tragedy about 6 years ago, I have been amazed at both the wickedness of humanity (in fact, this tragedy is what really opened my eyes to the truth of Total Depravity) and also how an obsession with "secondary things" can leave one wide open for any type of destruction.

And what I mean by "secondary things" is this: How many self-professed Christians do you know who follow false teachers because they preach a Jesus who wants you healthy, wealthy, and prosperous instead of one who wants us delivered from our sins? How many people have blindly joined churches because it met their physical needs (like food, clothing, or employment), but they fail in meeting their spiritual need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How many people are following pastors who promote ideas like no makeup or pant wearing for women or that there members shouldn't go to movies because they are "sinful" just because the "pastor says so"?

Brothers and Sisters, it is these types of things that caused Jim Jones to grab mind control over 900 people to the point of death, and the sad reality is that--with today's brand of what passes for Christianity--it is very possible this could happen again (God forbid!). This is why we, as the Body of Christ, must learn the discipline of discernment and also learn that nothing is more precious than the gift of Jesus Christ. Because a gracious God, who gave His one and only Son for sinners like you and I, will--without question--take care of the needs of those who are in His flock!!!!

Sadly, the followers of Jim Jones did not understand this. So let us learn from their tragedy and not build upon it.

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