Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Throughout the years, I have learned not to be so amazed by the silliness I find in most Christian Bookstores. But what I saw yesterday has to take the cake!!
I would like to introduce "Your Best Life Now" the Board game--yes, you read right--the BOARD GAME! Apparently, making spiritual water was not productive enough, so now the gaming industry has to be infected by this jargon that disguises itself as modern Evangelicalism.
Truly, Osteen has hit a new low in approving this product, and one has to wonder what is next: "Woman Thou Art Loosed" the video game? Oh, how I would need a Psychiatrist in the fear of seeing a virtual TD Jakes!
But nevertheless, products like this only show us how goofy the marketing of this false Christianity truly is. And sadly, the acceptance of such stuff as this only magnifies the cry for sound Theology in the church, and also prayer for all Christians for the need for Biblical discernment.


Anonymous said...

Now I've seen it all!

Anonymous said...

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