Thursday, November 15, 2007


If you have never heard of Rev. Paul Washer, you might want to check him out. Rev. Washer is the founder and director of HeartCry Missionary Society in Muscle Shoals, AL. He is known not for holding back his passions when presenting the truths of Christ (especially towards the American Christian). Due to this, there are many mixed opinions about him in the Body of Christ, but I personally thank God for him. The Apostle Paul tells us to "preach the Word in season and out of season"(2 Timothy 4:2), and, in some venues, the "out of season" rules in the majority. But Rev. Washer shows us that no matter where we are or who we preach to, God's truth is God's truth! And, ultimately, we preach--not what the people want to hear--but rather, what God wants to hear! Below are some clips of Paul Washer.

This is his most popular message. The message was so strong and condemning, that he was asked not to preach at this particular church ever again.

This is an interview that he gave with Kirk Cameron on the Heresy Broadcast Network (TBN).

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