Wednesday, March 26, 2008


My good friend Gus has started a new clothing line called "TheoStratos". The clothing line will consist of football jerseys that will have Christ-centered themes in its makeup. If you would like to order a jersey or check out how the jerseys will look. Please click here.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I just read a beautiful letter, written by my former Seminary Professor Dr. Warren A. Gage, concerning the unfaithfulness of a mate and the overwhelming love of their spouse. In reading this, one automatically thinks on the believer's relationship with Christ and how He is always loving to us, even when we are unfaithful to Him. Take a moment and read this letter and, as you do, ponder on the unbelievable devotion and love that Christ shows us as His Bride, despite our unworthiness of such a calling.

To My Beloved,

I will never understand what you saw in me. I can’t imagine why you would ever have wanted me. All I ever knew, from the time I was born, was that no one wanted me. My father forsook me at birth. Even my mother rejected me and left me. I was abandoned and uncared for. I don’t recall ever being attractive to anyone. No one ever noticed me much less told me that I was pretty.

Then you found me. Without any reason I ever understood, you loved me. But I didn’t trust your love. I couldn’t really believe your tender words. I had given away my love to many men before I even knew you. All of my lovers took me, used me, and rejected me. No one loved me in return. Men delight in the purity of their bride. You knew I had no purity left to give. But you proposed your love to me anyway.

There were moments when I thought perhaps I could love you in return. You gave me your name and titles. You shared your home with me. You gave me new clothes. You were generous to me with gems and golden jewels. I began to think of myself as lovely somehow. Maybe that’s why I began to catch the eye of strangers. The unaccustomed attention was flattering to me. I enjoyed it at first. But soon it became irresistible. So I returned the flirtatious glance. I was certain you would never know. I imagined you wouldn’t care anyway. Then one night I met a handsome stranger. Stolen waters are sweet indeed. They washed away my regret at my own unfaithfulness. Then another night captured my heart. Then another. I knew you knew. But the thrill of a stolen moment became a secret adventure that continued for many long years of dark nights.

Was it my guilt, for I had forgotten how to grieve, or was it my shame that caused me to turn on you, to despise you? I began to hate you as much as I suppose I hated myself. I struck out at you, and secretly wanted you to strike me in return. Your constant kindness caused me to despise you even more. I thought you were naïve. I imagined you were weak. Even though I hated myself, I lashed out at you. I rejected your promises. I had contempt for your patience. I screamed at you. Then I refused to speak to you. I hated you. I hit you and scratched you. I used every weapon I could find to injure you. You forgave me. I slapped you. You looked at me with sorrow. I hissed and spat at you. You said you loved me. I said I hated you. I raged against you. You were the stronger, but nonetheless I struck you and clawed at you and scratched you. You bled and blessed me.

I threw away your wedding ring. I trashed all the clothes you gave me. I wanted to be completely free from you. I wanted to be loose from my shame that your sorrow made worse. I ran away from you. Far away. Fast away. Running from you and running from myself. No stranger looked at me anymore. Angry. Alone. Broken. Shattered.

It was the remembrance of your love that led me home. Now as I look at you, I see peace in your eyes. Your kindness covers me like a coat in winter. Your joy teaches my heart to sing again. Now I am held close by arms that bear the furrows where once I scratched and clawed you. Now I kiss the scars my own fingers carved into your brow.

I still do not know what you see in me. I can’t imagine why you would still want me.

But one thing I know: I am my beloved’s. And you are mine.

Your love is stronger than death. You have loved me with an everlasting love. You will never leave me or forsake me. At last you have taught me how to love you.

Your Beloved


Lately, I have had a lot of truths confirmed that were somewhat hidden to many around me. For instance, before the guy I used to work with came right out and said he was not a Christian, I was very vocal over the fact that he truly was not saved months before his declaration.

And likewise, when it came to Oprah Winfrey, for years I have always been vocal over the fact that Christians should not be so "star struck" when it comes to her due to her rejection of the Christian faith. And, by way of my good friend and fellow minister Darrin, I now have the smoking gun.

In the video clip, Oprah outright denies that Jesus is the only way to God, while embracing various books that promote a multiple choice way of salvation. It is my prayer that God will use this video to help others see that Oprah Winfrey should not be praised due to her charity work or the fact that she is a successful black woman, and thus someone for black society to look up to for inspiration (a point, by the way, that I find extremely repulsive). Also, I hope this will help others become more discerning in who they stand by and what they support when it comes to advancing the Christian banner to believe in the LORD Jesus for salvation (Acts 2:38).

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The picture on my left is the official logo of Barack Obama's church's affiliation. Given the ideas that his church promotes, I have to wonder how his pastor would define the "they" in the logo. And, probably more importantly, how would Obama define it???


If you haven't been living under a rock over the last couple of weeks, you have to be somewhat informed about the controversy centering around Barack Obama and his church Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC) in Chicago, IL. Over the past couple of days, I've been hearing things like "It's a cult" and "Barack doesn't agree with all the teachings of the church"(which I find very interesting, especially in light of him running for the presidency. One would wonder if Obama would be as resistant to these claims if he were not running!!!)
Well, today I went to the church's web site and found some interesting things about its makeup. Personally, I find it hard that Obama could not know what this church promotes. His pastor is not shy in declaring what he believes, and the following proves it. This is taken from part of the church's doxology:
We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the Black Community.
In addition to this statement, TUCC has five women ministers on staff, has one male minister that specializes in the area of Social Justice, support other religious leaders such as Louis Farrakhan, and sells a book by author Iyanla Vanzant, who is part of the New Thought
However, the saddest part about all this is that most of the blacks, that I know who support Obama, will not be affected by the aforementioned things or any other unbiblical ideas that come from this church, even those who claim to be self-professed Christians. This is because some of them fit right into the mindset that this church expresses. Already, I have gotten into debates with some who say that they find no problem with Obama's pastor's messages saying, "You can't blame him! He grew up in the times of segregation, and he is just preaching against the things he has experienced all his life. If you grew up during that time you would understand". In short, they cheer Obama's pastor in his sin because they themselves have yet to overcome the slavery in their own minds.
And while, in no way am I trying to cheapen segregation, racism, and social justice in this article, I also am not a believer that these subjects should be the main focus of God's church. Christ and His work on the cross should be! And this goes for Obama's church and any other church that promotes racial unity and/or has strayed in the area of true Biblical orthodoxy. So, in conclusion, we as Christians (whether you're white, black, red, green, etc.) need to wake up and realize that our loyalty should be with Christ. We should support the candidate that will uphold the banner for our LORD and Savior, and not the one who shares our skin color.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


If there is one man that I respect very highly in Christianity today, it is Dr. John MacArthur. In writing sermons and preparing papers and/or bible lessons, it has become a customary thing for me to check his views, on the Scripture or topic that I am writing about, to get a clear and historical view on the point(s) discussed.

And while I can honestly say that I do not agree with him in everything (in particular, with his Dispensational views and some of his views of the role of women in society), I do love his teaching style and his Bible exegesis.

And, just today, I found another reason to respect Dr. MacArthur. And that reason is that he is a man that is humble enough to admit his faults when shown in error. On his web site "Grace to You", he has an article in which he retracts his former stance on the Eternal Sonship of Christ. Previously, MacArthur believed that Christ's role of Son happened at His incarnation. However, after much re-examining of Scripture, MacArthur has correctly came to the conclusion that Christ and God the Father has had a Father-Son relationship from all eternity.

In a time where the battle for doctrinal purity can cause some to be blind to their denominational preferences and ideas, I find it refreshing that Dr. MacArthur can re-examine his beliefs and come public in an area where he was in error and say "I was wrong"! I believe this situation should be a wake up call in our Reformed circles to both continue the fight for truth and to obey Luther's edict to "semper reformanda", or "Forever Faithfully Reform".

To read the article, click here

Thursday, March 13, 2008


In a previous post called EE Error, I mentioned a guy I used to work with who, after being rightfully dismissed from Coral Ridge Ministries, claimed that he had "deconverted" from the Christian faith. Well, as I was flipping through YouTube yesterday, I ran across a post of his in which he tries to convince his skeptics (like myself) that he was truly saved at one time.

Listen to what he says (and doesn't say) in this clip, and you tell me if he truly was a Christian. I do want to state that he uses abrasive language at some spots, but I think this video tells a lot about him and his current frame of mind.

Note: I do want to state that I am not placing this on my blog to attack this brother. I do pray that he will come to true repentance and receive the LORD Jesus. However, in the same sense, empirical evidence does not equate to a true salvation experience. Which, in watching this video, is clearly what this brother is trying to sell people on.

UPDATE: I was hoping, by removing his profile, that he had changed his disposition. However he only changed his profile name. I have placed the new link to the video above.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Have you struggled in training your children how to properly reverence God within the worship service at your church? Well, here is an excellent article from a former Seminary brother of mine, named Jay Fontanini, in how to do so.